Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Seven.Eleven Years

 7.11 Years

Dear Millie,

Happy Valentine’s Day. I know it is different being home on a snow day, but I have enjoyed having you home to celebrate with. 

My favorite memory of you this year when you and Lainey got into the green food dye. I acted like I was really upset with you, but inside, I was laughing so hard. I will never forget that image in my mind.

I was so proud of you when we were skiing up at Hoodoo. Maggie picked the run and she picked a black. Sam was too scared to try. I wanted to try but deep down I was nervous. I hadn’t really done a black. I wanted to be brave in front of you kids. When I said that I was going to do it, you replied that you were going to do it too. Then you just flew down the steep hill. You were awesome. 

A favorite part of your personality is to take whoever is around you or wherever we are and turn it into a fun time. You have this ability to be friends with everyone. You bring whoever is near you into your amazing circle of fun. It doesn’t matter if they are a boy or girl, you see the best in everyone. You are also able to come up with the most imaginative games, whether you are stuck inside on a rainy day or exploring a new park. You can always come up with a fun new game.

Your greatest gift is your ability to stick with and work hard on your goals. You have focused on the piano this year and your improvement shows. When doing your chart, even after a tiring day at school, you can push through and get it all done without complaining. Your diligence will take you far in life.

If you could see yourself through my eyes, you would know you are always loved and wanted in our family. Being the middle child can be hard because you are stuck in the middle. But I promise you that we need you and love you so much.

Without you our family would bland. You spice us up with your exotic dancing and colorful projects. You keep us on our toes and have caused me and dad to laugh so much. I really do love it, even when it is extremely messy.

I like you because you are spunky and sassy and make life so much more fun.

I love you because you are my daughter. I thought we were finished having kids after Sam. But both Dad and God told me that we needed to have another one. And then you came along. You were the child who I didn’t know that I needed. When I held you, I just knew you were going to bring us so much joy into our lives. I am so grateful you chose our family. 

I will always love you, Mom

Seven.Ten Years

 7.10 Years

  • Christmas festivities are under way. Dad and I were able to go to your Christmas concert. It was cute to hear you all sing. You kept telling us that there was a surprise for us. The last song, you all had snuck hand bells and sang a Christmas version of "We Will Rock You" with the bells. You loved how you wore a matching dress with your teacher. Other fun things that we did this month was visit the Keizer lights, decorated gingerbread houses, visited with Santa at the Ward Christmas brunch, and had Red Ribbon dinner where you got cute animal post it notes.
  • You were able to preform in the Nutcracker for dance. This has been something that you have wanted to do for a while. Your class was assigned snowflakes. The costume was so beautiful. For your dance, they had your class come out with the older girls, so it was darling to see you all blend together. Grandma and Papa along with Auntie Annie, joe and Elaine came and watched you the first night. Lizzie Leder came the next day to watch you.
  • This year was a bit different. We got to be in Utah for actual Christmas. We missed the last day of school before the break. I know you were bummed about missing the party, but your class has had fun all week so you were just missing the movie Polar Express. We made sure to watch it on the way to Utah. We stopped first in Brigham City and slept at Grandma's. It was nice to have a slow morning and breakfast with them. We then buzzed on south to visit our friends, the Barbers. We got to see the house they are building, eat yummy sandwiches at the gas station (where each of you were bold enough to ask for free popcorn), and end up at the trampoline park in Provo. They have a girl named Rose that you really liked playing with. Afterwards, we headed out to the Cowles. We introduced them to Happy Birthday Jesus and spent hours in their hot tub. You were all so excited to sleep in the same room together. The next day, we got ready for church and met up with Stinky Face's family for church. The weather was awesome in Springville. After church, we walked to a park and played fetch with Boba. McKay was home for the weekend, and all the older boys were so nice playing legos with you all. The next morning, Josh took our family skiing at Sun Dance. The snow was horrible, but that didn't stop us. He wears is bright BYU jacket, so it is easy for all of us to follow him. He is so good about making it fun for you kids. After skiing, we said goodbye to Utah County and headed back north to Grandma's house.
  • Grandma was so excited to have you kids to be there on Christmas. She pulled out all her sugar cookies for you kids to decorate. You are a disturbing child and turned one of the gingerbread men into a red devil. I think you had more frosting on your face than on the cookies. Christmas Eve, we watched a movie, had steak and chocolate milk for dinner, and reenacted the Nativity (you were an angel). We hunted for the star, where you found donut pjs. It was hard to fall asleep, but you all slept in the same room together and eventually fell asleep. Sam was the first up in the morning. He turned on the TV and we watched a christmas movie downstairs while we waited for everyone to get up. You all ran upstairs to find your stockings. This year, Santa gave you a Harry Potter lego set. You screamed and jumped up and down. You opened it that day and got it all built. You and JoJo gave each other the ear muffs that you really wanted from Target. Mark and Kami were there and they loved seeing all your reactions. More cousins came over for dinner that night. It was a full house. We finished the week with a family party at the church and swapping gifts. 
  • We made it home before New Years. We hosted a big Price Family New Years party with Hawaiian food, Just Dance on the Switch, and games. We popped out confetti at 9pm. 

Seven.Nine Years

 7.9 Years

Friday, November 15, 2024

Seven.Eight Years

 7.8 Years

  • We got to go camping for my birthday with the Smiths. It was crazy trying to find a spot. One of the roads was closed so we ended up having to go all around and camp in the day use area. It turned out find and we had a great time eating dinner in the dark and having a fire. The next morning, you kids build a teepee so that was fun to watch. 
  • We got a girls weekend while the boys went to Utah. We made caramel apples for the first time and Grandma came over and we visited the candy shop and explored a new park.
  • Grandma and Papa Matthews came into town to see our new house and visit JoJo for her birthday. Grandma was good about playing games with you and tucking you in bed at night. 
  • JoJo turned five. We hosted the big family dinner. You picked out a little stuffed super kitty stuffed animal to give to her.
  • Dad was just finishing up a long work stretch and was heading out to CA with Sam. You wanted him to look at your ankle because it was hurting you. When you realized that you weren't going to him for five days, you started to cry. It was a very middle child moment. Sam got to go to both UT and CA. Maggie went to Wicked. You found out that dad and I are going to Costa Rica. You just felt so left behind. That day, dad surprised you by picking you up from school and took you to get sushi for lunch. It was a much needed date. 
  • We had a great Friday that made moving here feel so good. Maddy had Rylee over preparing their YW lesson. Later Cassie joined them to get ready for the middle school dance. Sam had a bunch of boys over for guys day. And you and JoJo rode bikes over to Maddy's and was outside playing all afternoon. It felt good that we are close to good friends, It made my mama's heart so happy.
  • You got sick on the day that your school took the walking field trip around town. So one Saturday morning, I took you for a walk down to K's coffee for a drink and muffin. I love spending that time with you.
  • "Halloween was the best. Especially the candy!" This year, you went as Hedwig for Halloween. We had an indoor trunk-o-treat at the church along with a chili dinner. Maggie was being a great big sister and led you and JoJo around to get the candy. The Price's came for Halloween night. We had a spaghetti dinner and then went trick-o-treating around the neighborhood. You were so excited to visit Maddy's house because her house won the best decoration award with a giant skeleton coming out of her roof. Afterwards, Sonora and Jessie had a sleep over. It was god to have a slow morning where you girls pulled out all the dress up to put on the Cinderella play. Each of you wanted to be Cinderella so you guys preformed the play four different times. 

Seven.Seven Years

 7.7 Years

  • The first day here and the whole first week, you have been such a great big sister and taught JoJo how to ride your bike with no training wheels. Our driveway has a perfect down slop s she could work on her balance. You were great at cheering her on and being excited for her accomplishment. 
  • Family fail moment: We heard how great this Harvest festival is. It is the city's celebration but you need tickets for it. We wanted to do a family adventure day. We narrowed it down to the beach, the river, or the Harvest festival. We decided to get work done in the morning and afternoon and then do the festival that night. We get to the place with they shuttle you in and all the tickets are sold out. If we had known, we would have gone to the beach or something. Instead, we found Wild Robot playing in Salem. We head over there. We had some time to kill, so we took you guys to the cake shop (amazing!), and then headed over for the guys to go to Sierra Trading Post and us girls to Ulta Beauty (where you got red lip stick comically all over your face and clothes). We made our way to the movie theater. Waited seriously 20 min in line, got up to the employee, only for them to tell us that Wild Robot comes out next week. There were no kid movies. So bummed. We drove all the way home. The redeeming part was that you girls made a really cool fort in your room and got to watch Paw Patrol while the older kids watch Harry Potter.
  • We have been able to see cousins so much such moving here. It has been so much fun. We went to October Fest with the Smiths. We had a blast trying the different foods and going on the carnival rides. You were able to do the big slide, the trampoline jump, and the train ride. The dads waiting in line to get you all balloon animals, but those didn't last long. 
  • Oh gosh, we had another Millie disaster this month. Dad has been gone back packing for the last 10 days. We decided to have a friends day after school. We invited Maddy over. Her mom wanted to meet us so she came to the house. I thought she would be here for a few minutes, but ended up staying an hour. It got so chaotic there. Maggie had two friends over, Sam was pouting because his friend went home sick during school so he had no one, Dad was facetiming us because he finally got a spot of reception, and you asked to paint. I told you to paint outside on the green table. While I am trying to manage this choas while hosting Maddy's mom, you come running back in asking if you could use the science squirt bottle. I figured you were finished painting and was moving onto science now. Nope. You put water down purple paint into the squirt bottle and Jackson Pollack styled the cement. I couldn't yell at you (trying to look like a good parent) and say that I would have you help me clean it up afterwards. While, the mom finally left, I was face timing Dad while pulling out the hose (we hadn't even set it up yet) to come to find out that it won't wash off. We tried soap, hydrogen peroxide, and paint thinner. None of it. We finally borrowed a power washer from the Smiths. It only worked if we had it on the most powerful setting. So the pain came off but so did the rocks. We are hoping that after a winter, dirt will settle in and make it look better. 
  • This month, we explored Silver falls, walking over to the park to play pickle ball, having Elaine over for a pizza night, and riding your bike all over the neighborhoods by yourself.
  • Jog-a-thon was this month. I signed up to help set up. I joked with the other moms that they should get the Wild Cat suit. Well, I ended up being the Wild cat for the whole event. You had no idea beforehand so when your class walked out, you kept looking at me. It took you a wild, and me jokingly blowing kisses to you, that you realized it was me. You laughed and loved it. 

Seven.Six Years

 7.6 Years

  • We are trying to squeeze in as much friend time as we possible can. We went bowling, the river with all our friends, the pool, ice cream, and more play dates. You kids also have been trying to cross off your bucket list items like sleep on the trampoline and go to Gymnastic 360 one more time. The fair was at the end of the month and it was good to spend time there with Addy's family. Addy's family has pigs there so she was able to give you the inside scoop to the fair. Even though Addy is JoJo's friend, you often play with her because that gives you two girls that will follow you around.
  • We had to say goodbye to Cecily today. You two have become best friends this year with being in the same class at school. We made it a point to have her over a lot these last few weeks. We were able to help load up their truck and go to their good bye party at the park. It felt really more real that we were moving seeing them leave before us. That night you cried while I hugged you goodnight. I am so glad that you have friends that you love that much that it hurts that much to lose them. 
  • The Ware family came to visit us. It was their first time here. Their kids loved rafting and playing night good games. 
  • We had our goodbye party with all our friends at the Dalling house. It rained that night. We just spent all day packing and cleaning. We have really come to love these families like they are our own family. I told you that it was okay to cry. All of you kids slept in Maggie's room together. The next day, we got ready for church, went to church, and said goodbye for reals. You were in the Durrango with me and the other girls for the drive. I am having a hard time just typing about this. It was really hard to say goodbye.
  • We made it to Oregon! The house is still standing and the the yard isn't completely crazy. It was a whirl wind of a week. Janecce brought her kids to come help unload. Phillip helped set up all the beds while you and Sonora were going through all your boxes, finding toys that you havent seen all summer. It was really nice to have cousins here to greet us and make that first day exciting to see them instead of lonely. The second day was actually the hardest. We were so tried from moving and still had so much more to do. We worked as hard as we could that second day but after that, we decided to play for the rest of the week, knowing that unpacking can happen when the kids are in school. We went to Phillip's football game, went school shopping, hung out with Elaine a ton, and enjoyed a day at the beach with all the family. The beach was awesome. We roasted hot dogs and s'mores, played this four-square type game in the sand, and climb all of the rocks. 
  • School started. I was so nervous for you all. I was praying everyday that you could make friends. We got to the corner and had taken the photo in front of the sign. You, being Ms. Independent, wanted to run off into the playground by yourself. I assumed you would do well because you are great at making new friends. And sure enough, when you came home, you told me about the different girls in your class but that you can't remember their names because some of them look a like. By the end of the week, Piper became your good friend, someone you played with at reccess at each day. 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Seven.Five Years

 7.5 Years

  • We got to go on our family's overnight rafting trip. We did the same stretch as last time. When we shored for the night, you loved climbing all over the rocks, creating homes and playing city with the other girls. 
  • We got to go to Bear Lake for a week with the whole Price family. We rented a big house that was in this neighborhood with a pool and roads that were good for riding bikes. We first hiked into this Glacier lake. It was beautiful. The water was freezing. There was a rope swing that all the big kids were going off. You were able to muster some courage and swing out into the freezing water. The next day, we went to the beach and rented a boat. We went first with all the girls. This wasn't your first time tubbing, so you were excited to try again. We had music blasting and snacks getting pasted around. We switched out with the boys. While they were on it, we played at the beach. The water so so shallow, you kids could stand up in most of the lake. We went to Adventureland the next day. The rope course was so much fun. You were able to go on level 1 and level 2. We walked around town later that day and got raspberry milk shakes. The evening were fun with celebrating birthdays, learning family history, eating great food, and even "Santa" came. The older boy cousins had found a Christmas tree in the garage so after we all were asleep, they set it up and placed our random these (like your bike) under it. It was funny. Dusty prepared a white elephant gift exchange for Grandpa's birthday, but everything came from a yard sale and everything the price was negotiated. 
  • You got to compete in your first swim meet. Maggie brought her sharpies and you loved getting pictures drawn all over your back and arms. I was really impressed with how much you have improved on this year. 
  • We have had Grandma and Papa Matthews come visit. We love it when they come. There were a few "last time" activities that Grandma wanted to do-get sweet potato fries from Jungle Gyms and eat ice cream from the stand. We were happily able to do both! Grandma wanted to be helpful in the packing, which we haven't started, so she got us started.