Sunday, June 23, 2024

Seven.Two Years

7.2 Years

Here is the list of favorites from Mother's Day 

My favorite food is: mac-n-cheese
My favorite sport is: ballet
The best show on TV is: Babysitting Club
The coolest person in the world is: Annabelle
My best subject in school is: snack time
I’m really awesome at: playing
If I could change my name, it would be: Violet
My favorite color is: teal
When I grow up I want to be: I don't know yet
My parents are too strict about: cleaning
My favorite song is: California Girls
My favorite book is: Heidi Hecklebeck
When we stop for a treat, I get this: Gumball machine 
4 words that describe me are: Kind, mischief, playful, smart
When I was little, I used to: Lie
My favorite scripture story is: Radshack, Meshack, and Abendigo
My favorite primary/church song is: I'm Trying to be like Jesus
My favorite game is: Noah's Ark
My favorite season is: Summer
The best snack ever is: Banana Nutella Roll ups
My favorite superhero is: Super Kitties
The food that makes me want to barf is: mushrooms 
The car I would love to drive when I turn 16 is: a Lamborghini 
My best friends are: Annabelle, Lynee, Ellie, Cecily
The cutest girl/boy I know is: Brian Brown
The most memorable day this year was: my birthday of course
If I had one wish it would be: To live in a candy world
The best thing that has happened to me this year is: Being a first grader for the first time and the last time
One thing I want to learn to do this year is: how to do tumbling
The thing that scares me the most is: poisonous spiders
One thing I need to work on is: Climbing
If I could go anywhere it would be: China
The most important lesson I’ve learned this year is: how to be tough If I could meet one person from history it would be: Jesus

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Seven.One Years

 7.1 Years Old

  • Hawaii baby!!! Day1:We got to go to Hawaii for an early Spring break. This trip has been waited for a long time. We drove through the night to get to Grandma's house since we were flying out of Portland. I am glad you kids slept in the car because we had to get up early (4:30am early) to catch our flight. The flight went well. It was a direct flight. Each of you had your own TV. You watched the Paw Patrol movie and played some of the games. After landing and getting the rental van, we droved and found some Hawaiian food. We tried a bit of everything-kalua pork, loco moco, teriyaki chicken, and mac salad. You kids likes most of it. I love how adventurous you are with food while on vacation. We headed over to Pearl Harbor. I knew this was going to be a bit much for you, but we had read about your great Henry Chai's story of watching the bombing so it was special for me to be there. We ended the night with a Costco trip and the drive across the island to our house rental. With the time change, you kiddos were pasted out early. Grandma and Papa Matthews made it in. We were ready to play tomorrow.
  • Day 2: With the time change, all of you were up by 5am! Each morning, we let you kids watch TV while the adults slept a bit more. It was nice for everyone to have slower mornings. Today, we drove down south a bit for our family surf lessons. The beach was beautiful, a little cove right next to the mountains with palm trees every where. It was perfect and for the most part, we had the place to ourselves. We hired a BYU student. We had five surf boards and took us each out one at a time to learn. You were able to stand up your first time. It was awesome seeing you ride the wave in. The weather was a bit chiller than we were have liked, but we stuck it out and it was nice to start the week with a beach day. On the way home, we stopped by a stand to get fresh coconut (you definitely didn't like it) and a fresh fruit smoothie (you definitely liked that). We ended the night with burgers from Seven Brothers. You loved chasing the chickens and playing corn hole. 
  • Day 3: With it being Sunday, we went and walked around the temple and visited the Visitor center. We were able to attend the local ward. The people there were so kind and welcoming. We came home to a get lunch and let the rain pass. We than spent the afternoon at Waimea Falls. We didn't know what to expect, but the place was perfect. The path for paved so Grandpa could walk it. Along the path was a botanical garden and little booths were volunteers would teach the kids the cultural of their people. It ended at a waterfalls that we all jumped in and swam to. You were a bit nervous to go near the waterfall, but ended up liking it. Walking back, you chose to go up ahead with Grandma and have special time with you looking at all the flowers. We ended the night at the beach, but the sand was steep and the waves were bigger. You kids loved it. Grandma hated it. Hahah
  • Day 4:This was one of our snorkeling days. We headed over to Sharks cove first thing in the morning. We were able to see large schools of fish which was so fun to swim through. After an hour, other people started showing up so we head over to Turtle Bay. This was a big hit for everyone. The cove blocked the wind, the sand was perfect, the water was calm (you were able to float in the inner tube), and the snorkeling was fun. Sam and Dad saw a turtle. Afterwards, we went to the shopping market where you were excited to buy a a lava skirt. We tried food from the trucks (kalua pork nachos were awesome). We ended the night with dinner at home and watched the movie Soul Surfer wince it was filmed in the area. 
  • Day 5: Today was a lot of driving. We drove down one way to the Dole Plantation. It was fun to see the pineapples and Dole Whips were everything that people talked about. We than drove to try to famous Matsomoto Shaved Ice. We got the everything (which included kidney beans?). It wasn't as good. We than drove all the way over to the PCC (got to listen to the Candy Shop Wars). The PCC was amazing. so many fun activities for you kids. We loved how interactive it was. You ended the night with a thousand tattoos on your body. We choose to eat at the food trucks and then go back for the evening show. I loved how easy it was for you kids to follow along the story and see all the different islands. 
  • Day 6: We weren't planning on this but we got tickets to Hanauma Bay. I am so glad we did because that place was beautiful. A lot of people, but it worked. We were able to get a nice spot near the water. You tried snorkeling. I was able to take you out for about 15 minutes. You liked seeing the fish but had a hard time keeping the water out of your snorkel so after a while, just stuck on the beach with JoJo. While everyone was playing, right next to Grandma swam a big monk seal. It was so close, that she could have pet him. It took a while for everyone to realize what was going on. Once the life guard saw, he ordered everyone out of the water until the monk swam away. We ended the day with a hike to Moana Falls and dinner at a Ramen house. 
  • Day 7: After two big days, it was nice to have a slower morning. Probably not that good though because while you and JoJo were playing chase in the loft, JoJo was trying to get down the ladder fast and fell the nine feet. This was scary. Luckily, she landed on her leg and not her head. Unluckily, she broke her leg. There wasn't much we could do about it in Hawaii, so we tried hard to carry her everywhere. That day, we had a jeep ride through Kalula Ranch (so beautiful). It was the place where they filmed Jurassic Park so you were able to hold one of the dinosaurs named Timothy. We ended the day at Castle Beach and celebrating Sam's birthday. 
  • Day 8: We flew home this day. Since JoJo was still limping, we stopped by a Walgrens on the way to the airport to wrap up her leg. At the airport, we found a wheel chair and was able to push her around and get through security easier. You all were a bit jealous that she got to use the chair. 
  • After a week of school, we had our real spring break. We tried hard to fill it with fun activities and friends. We rode bikes around Winchester Lake, had a walk around town day, made crafts at home, cleaned out all your closets, and played with lots of friends. One day, we had the Strassers over. You and Laynee were making volcanoes outside. I was excited because the mess would stay outside. Well, you girls got a hold of the green dye and spread it all over your body. You looked like the wicked witch of the west. It was bad. After a lot of scrubbing, it did come off. But I was nervous and maybe secretly hoping that you would be green for church the next day as a natural consequence. 
  • We ended Spring break with Easter. We went to the city's Easter Egg hunt, had our own at home, found your baskets (you got the book Heidi Heckelbeck and read it all that day) and ended the night with a bunch of families over for dinner. 

Seven Years Old

 7 Years Old

  • You lost another tooth over the weekend so I was able to spend some one-on-one time to sew a tooth pillow with a heart pouch on the front for you to put your tooth in. It was really fun to make it with you.
  • Fun moments this month: Maggie Kohrman babysitting you kiddos overnight while Dad and I were on a trip, driving down to Kooskia to visit the cake shop, skiing as a family at Snow Haven, building epic forts with your siblings on Sunday afternoons, playing basketball with dad outside, and celebrating 100 days with your class.
  • The real highlight of this month was your birthday!!!! We celebrated with a huge group at the Super 8 hotel. You loved swimming with all your friends and eating brownie sundaes. You have such a great group of friends, both from church and school. Maggie came to your party so it was fun to have the big cool sister to play with you guys. That night, we went to the high school play. It was a full day of fun. 
  • For your actually birthday, you requested molted lava cakes with ice cream. Sam gave you an umbrella, Maggie gave you this mermaid sewing kit and JoJo gave you this fairy lantern kit. It was so fun to celebrate you. We love you so much!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Six.Eleven Years

 6.11 Years

*I know that Valentine's Day is not for another week, but I wanted to share your love letter

Dear Millie,

Happy Valentine’s Day! Whenever I tuck you into bed, there is something that I only tell you. Do you remember? I love telling you that I love you more than chocolate. Millie, I really do. You are the light and life that our family needed. I thought I was finished having kids after Sam. We had a girl and a boy so I thought we didn’t need more. I never knew how much I needed you until you came. I am so glad that you came to our family. From day one of bringing you home, you have brought so much joy. I want to share with you a few things that I love about you. I could go on for pages, but for just today, I will stick with three.

First, you have this incredible ability to make everyone feel like they are the most special person in the world. You are so good about including everyone, listening to them, laughing with them, and playing the games that they like to play. You never speak bad about others. You are always quick to help another person in need. Just the other day after Maggie ate lunch with you, she shared how many people came up to her and asked if she was Millie’s big sister. She was amazed at how many kids, even older ones, know you and are friends with you. It is not because you are doing what people want you to do. You are liked because you are a GOOD PERSON. You really are so good down to your bones.

Second, you are such a creative person. I love all the imaginative games that you come up with, the dances you put on in your room for me to watch, and the science experiments that you conduct in the kitchen. You are rarely bored because you have this magical world inside you that comes out in your play. JoJo is so drawn to it and you are so kind to include her most of the times. I hope you always hold onto that magic. You take after Grandma Price in this. She has held onto the magic, even as a grandma, and because of there, it is so fun to be with her. Keep your magic. Let it grow so big that it explodes from your body. The world needs more of it.

Lastly, I love your drive to be better. We haven’t had to sit down with you too much and help you set goals. You will decide that you want to work on something and you have the self drive to finish it without help from an adult. It is really impressive how you will read your scriptures on your own at such a young age. You have been blessed with a great mind and a hard work ethic. Keep those things. But even be embarrassed about getting good grade in school. You will have a lot of success in life with those skills.

I love you so much,


Monday, January 15, 2024

Six. Ten Years

 6.10 Years

  • Christmas is going strong here. We have been doing the different advent day calendars (I should say we did them the first half of the month but then it got to be too much for me so we just put the rest of the playmobiles together on the 24th), had the Happy Birthday celebration with the Rupps, cut out snow flakes, had Santa on the Fire Truck come to our house!!, and been trying to watch more Christmas movies. 
  • You had your dance recital. You were putting on your costume for the dress rehearsal and you put in on backwards. The problem was is that the top is shear and there is a strip of fluff at the neckline. Backwards though, the shear v so low that it shows your nipples and add the fluff, it looked like Santa lingerie. I laughed so hard. You were great. Your music concert was cute. I love this time and seeing all the fun things you have been learning.
  • We invited a few families over to the church to play floor hockey and chair soccer. It was really fun to run around on a Friday night. You were getting to god competitive on trying to score a goal, especially on against the moms. 
  • We finally got to go skiing as a while family (JoJo included) for the first time. There wasn't much snow at Brundage, but we went for it. I have to laugh now, but Dad and I were so good about getting everything all ready the night before. I packed a bag with all our gloves, googles, and gators. Well, I forgot to grab the bag. It was cold, but not too bad. The lady in the car next to us in the parking lot, lend us her gloves so Sam and Maggie took turns with those while we bought new ones for you and JoJo. It was fun having you take me down during runs that were a bit harder. I love how you never complain, but it was even cuter how sweet and encouraging you were with JoJo. You wanted to stay with her on the smaller slop at the end.  
  • Dad had to work the weekend before Christmas so we invited Laura Collins from Elk City to come out here for four days to spend it with us. You think Laura is so fun. I would find you, Sam, and JoJo all cuddle up in her bed with her in the mornings watching silly clips of dogs or something. One of the days, we went to Lewiston to go ice staking. It was harder than I thought for you kids. I grew up roller balding so ice staking hasn't been too hard for me, but you kids haven't been exposed as much, so it was fun to see you push yourself to learn. We got a big stack of buckets for you and JoJo and I would stake backwards while pulling them for you girls. We were laughing the whole time. We ended the night at Tomato Brothers and the Train park with the fun lights. It really felt special. 
  • Christmas Eve was special. We have been going going all month. I really wanted to go to GHR to visit Grandmas with you kiddos, but I was visited out with RS. so after not seeing dad for the last four days, we just stayed home after church and chilled out. We watched a movie, played games, and got ready for our evening. That night, we had clam chowder in bread bowls by candle light, reenacted the Nativity story, sang We Three Kings, opened up robes for the hot tub, and wrote a letter to Santa. Your wrote in yours "Dear Santa, I want a robot that does everything. Love, Millie". I think we all want that Millie You all slept in your room. I dragged the kids tree into your room so you could sleep with the lights on. It was magically. 
  • Christmas is so special. I love it. We told you kiddos to not call us until 7:30am on the Alexa. I think you guys woke up around 6 and just played with each other until we came down. I am amazed that none of you have figured out that you could just peek if you wanted to. Well, Santa brought you not a robot but your own purple remote controlled car. It was a hit. You also got ski socks, hair clips, your own hair coloring. Dad and I gave you a rainbow unicorn hoodie, a Ivy and Bean book, and a Lego friend set. Maggie gave you clothes for your dolls, Sam gave you a bead set, and JoJo gave you a unicorn surprise. We ended the night with the Browns coming over for Cafe Rio. 
  • The week after Christmas was full of movies, playing switch,  friends over for hot tubing, and slow days. By the end of the week, you kids were ready to go again and have a crazy week in Utah.
  • Utah was a big trip-drove to cabin, sledding at the cabin, video games with Caleb and Timothy, lot of boys time (shirtless sledding), staying up to midnight for New Years Eve, day in Provo with the Cowles, warm weather so we could play outside, Cedar city, hiking with both Price family, skiing at Brian Head, another day in Provo with the Barbers at the trampoline park, Brigham City, Day with Grandma and going bowling, building snowmen, and playing games, watching Wonka movie, up late for the last night. We were all so tired by the end, but it felt good to be with friends and family.

Six.Nine Months

 6.9 Months

  • The chickens are getting to be too much for me. They aren't laying any eggs but take a lot of work in the winter. Your dad was just going to kill them. At first, you didn't want to kill them at all and I thought it was so sweet. But then you went a bit crazy and started talking about eating them. You are nutzo some times. In the end, I couldn't kill them so we found a new home for them. One of them ended up at the Kohrman's as a White Elephant gift. 
  • The Browns are the new family/doctor so we have been trying to introduce them to new things here. This year, the weather was beautiful, so we took them up the mountain to cut down a free Christmas tree. It was fun stomping through the mud (no snow). You really liked all the tiny trees so we ended up picking out little ones for each of your rooms. 
  • We spent Thanksgiving in Oregon. Some of the highlights were dodgeball at the school (you loved getting me out) and hungry hippos, last time at Grandma's old house (so you had to do the zip line and pull out all her paints and paint rocks), eating KFC on actually thanksgiving day, watching Wish with Grandma and Papa at the movie theaters, Thanksgiving dinner at Annie's with all the cousins and sushi, dressing up and making up plays, and ginger bread houses at the library. It was crazy and awesome at the same time. I love how you got a lot time with Sonora. She really is one of your favorite people. 
  • I have also been able to start book club in your class this month. We started by reading Stink and the Ultimate Thumb War Smack Down. You are such a great reader. I have always known that, but you mostly read to yourself now, so I love hearing you read. I know it means a lot to you that I am able to go.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Six.Eight Years

 6.8 Years

  • We celebrated my birthday by going to Winchester Lake as a family. your interested in actually fishing was little this trip, but you loved squishing the worms between your fingers, picking wild apples from the tree, and playing on the play structure. 
  • We made a quick trip out to Oregon so Dad could work a few shifts out there. Friday morning, Grandpa watched your kiddos while Grandma and I went to the temple. He tried taking you yard selling, but there wasn't much out there. After lunch, we raced over to watch Karl's cross country race. We had just watched the movie about cross country and you thought the boys in the movie were cute. So when we got there and there were all these high school boys nice and fit, I loved teasing you about them. You just rolled your eyes at me. Sonora was there, and you two were lost in your own worlds. Karl PR and placed fairly high. After all the runner came in, we lined you all up and had you all race through the archway. We ended the night at Dusty's celebrating all of the October birthdays. Saturday was a fun day. We helped Grandma and Papa clean out their attics. We pulled out all the boxes and toys and was able to give give away so much stuff. Auntie Annie had never gone through her boxes before, so she was in the piano room with over 20 boxes to go through. You loved seeing all her old things. She kept giving you random stuff animals and ceramic bowls that she made in high school. They were all prized possessions to you, but I was going crazy with having to take more more stuff. We spent the night at Lainey's and was able to go to church in Stayton. 
  • We celebrated JoJo's birthday this month. It was hard for you to not be right in all the action at her party, but I let you crash the Barbie movie part. 
  • Halloween is this month. You wanted to be so many different ideas, but when the Jones' brought over their box of costumes, you saw the Space Jam costume and got so excited. Sometimes, you are so random in what you like. I can never get you to pick a princess or ballerina. I really was pushing for a BYU Cheerleader, but nope, Space Jam. I can't complain, I was the same way when I was your age. Out of all the kids, you are most like me. I love how unique you are and never will let gender get in the way of stopping you from what you want or like. We went to the Zechmanns for a big party, hosted a Harry Potter dinner with the Smiths at our house, Trunk-o-treat with the church, and ended with Halloween out on the town. This year, they had hay rides at the city trunk-o-treat. We tried going house to house with kids this year. It got a little crazy trying to coordinate everyone. We ended up with you, Sam Stone, and Walter from your class. It was cold, but bearable this year. I did lose our keys, so Dad had to ran back to his car on main street and rescue us. 
  • You got your reading buddy. It is a monkey (kind of ugly to be honest). You are so excited to fill out that chart every day. I also have been able to go in and start book club in your class. It has been great to be able to volunteer in your class. You are such a great reader. We are reading Stink and the Thumb War book.