Thursday, August 10, 2017

Five Months

5 Months

  • We started baby food with you. You were horrible at it at the beginning. Every time I tried to feed you, you would stick your tongue out. Plus, I just don't think you liked rice cereal. After a few unsuccessful weeks, I went to the store and got baby oatmeal and some veggies. Now we are talking. We seem to like those and we are getting better at eating. We have tried sweet potatoes (classic one to start with), green beans, squash, peas, and carrots. I have to say though that you are a incredibly messy eater. I am having to bust out the full body plastic bib to save me from scrubbing outfits each time.
  • I think you are following your sister's footsteps in being a lazy tummy timer. I have been better at having you do tummy time or even just laying you done on a blanket vs the bouncer or exercisaucer. Most babies will naturally learn how to roll over. Not you though. I need to be better at practice it with you everyday. That is my goal for you this next month.
  • You have never really been too thrilled about water, but lately you have been kicking and splashing a bit more during bath time and then when we took you to Willard Bay where the water is really warm, you actually seemed to enjoy it. Maybe you take after your Grandpa Price and just hate cold water. 
  • At night when you get tired, you also get really giggly. I can get the best laughs out of you right before bed. You love getting kisses on your neck and you are pretty ticklish under your arms.
  • Maggie and Sam still adore you. They each have been wanting to hold you and feed you a bit more. It is nice that I can lay you down and Maggie can feed you if I have to quickly get us ready to go somewhere. Maggie also loves reading you books and I find Sam singing made up songs to help you be happy. 
  • We took the older two kids to Lagoon and had you stay all day at Aunt Laura and Uncle Tommy's. They loved have you and said you were great.
  • The two people who love you so much surprisingly are your cousins Caleb and Owen. They think you are the cutest thing in the whole world. When they come over, they constantly ask where you are (you will be sleeping) and when you are awake, they will keep running back to you, asking if you missed them while they were away for a whole 2 minutes. It is so cute. You really have a way to melting other's hearts.
  • I love you so much. I can't believe that you are only 5 months. That seems so young, but I feel like it was forever ago that you were born. I tell the other kids this and now I am telling you this: YOU CAN'T GET ANY BIGGER. Stay my baby forever.