One Year
Dear Millie,
This birthday is a big one. You are changing from the sweet, sleepy baby that we would rock to sleep into this spunky, giggly, loud toddler that would stop moving. I remember when your dad asked me if I wanted a third kid. Oh no, we have one of each and for selfish reasons, I wanted to be done. But how grateful I am that Dad, Maggie and Sam all begged for you. You are truly a light in our family. You may get into more mischef than the others have, but for some reason, it is super cute and funny when you do it. You have always been this chilled baby, but now I see that you really are independent, love others, curious, determined, cuddly little girl.
I love how you try to make others and yourself laugh. Like your brother, you truly enjoy life and want to share that sunshine with others. I love how you love Maggie and Sam. You try so hard to wrestle with them, get them to play peek-a-boo with you, and imitate them in their silly antics. I love how fond you are of Mowgli, smiling while saying "pu pu pu" for puppy. I love how excited and loud you get when daddy walks through the door. I love how you snuggle into my neck when a stranger tries to say hi, but will try to sneak a peak at them, giggle, and snuggle again. I love how we have the early mornings together, snuggling on the bed, looking through old videos, and tickle attacks all before the craziness of your siblings waking up.
I hate to say goodbye to your baby chub, rocking you to sleep, toothless grins, and having you lay perfectly in my arms. But at the same time, I am excited to see you learn how to walk, learn new words, figure out your favorites, and explore every more new things, and become the young women that you are destined to be.
I love you so much. My life has been more rich because of you. Happy Birthday sweet one!!!