Monday, April 29, 2019

Two.One Years

2.1 Years

  • We were able to go to Arizona this month. It was the first time you flew in a plane. On the way there, there was another little girl sitting behind us that you played peek-a-boo with and shared your toys with her. You loved staying at Brooke and Steve's because they had so many girl toys. We went to a fun train park where we rode on a train and carousal, ate at chic-fil-a (though you wondered off three times and it was the same lady who had to keep telling us that you took off-how embarrassing), hiked "Hole in the Rock (you loved climbing the rocks all by yourself), visited the zoo, and went to tons of parks. It felt so good be outside for the weekend.
  • We had lots of birthdays this month, including yours. We kept yours low key, served mac-n-cheese with hot dogs for dinner and had a Minnie Mouse cake. Dad and I gave you a Little Tike slide which was a big hit. Sam and Maggie gave you the Princess cupcake game. Grandma Price gave you a doodle pad for church, and Grandma Matthews gave you a matching dress with Maggie and a book with a stuff animal that talks. Sam's birthday was next. He had a party at home that you tagged along with and we ended with Maggie's party at Jungle Gym, which you loved! 
  • Uncle Dusty's family came to visit us. You loved having Sonora around. You two were really cute together. We played at Hammer Creek (probably your favorite place to visit because it is a giant sandbox), went sledding down at fish creek, visited he library and Creme cafe, played at the park, and went ice fishing at Winchester lake. I am excited to see you and Sonora grow up together.
  • The next family that came to visit was Uncle Joey's family. We did a lot of the same things but instead of going fishing, we went hiking with them to Lucille caves and the fish hatchery trail. They don't have any kids your age but you love being around the big kids, plus Auntie Emily loves babies so she would cuddle with you a lot and read you books.
  • Your favorite song right now is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Not only do we have to sing it every nap and every bedtime, but you beg Maggie to sing it every time we are in the car. Those siblings sure love you because they must have sang that song over 100 times.
  • Whenever I have you climb in the van by yourself, you immediately run to the back seat to be like one of the big kids. It has turned into this game, seeing how long you can be back there before I notice and grab you. 
  • Favorites-food: milk, mac-n-cheese, blueberries; color: pink; song: Twinkle Twinkle; show: PJ Mask or Mickey Mouse; book: Curious George lift the flap book; indoor activity: play princesses or babies; outdoor activity: pulling out the sand toys and playing in the rocks