Saturday, May 25, 2019

Two.Two Years

2.2 Years

  • Grandma and Papa Price came to visit us this month. You were shy at first but after Grandma offer to read you a book, you only wanted Grandma and Papa for everything. We went to Hammer Creek with them, visited Creme Cafe and the library, had an epic art morning with Grandma, had a movie night with Papa, and read so many books. You loved holding Grandma's hand and wanted to sit with just her during church.
  • Easter was also this month. We tried focusing on Christ the week before, but lets be honest, you are all over the place when we try to read the scriptures so the chances that you got anything out of that spiritual week is slim to nothing. 
  • Being pregnant has been so fun with you. You really love babies, but you do not believe me when I say that there is a baby in my tummy. Every time I mention it, you tell me "no, baby is in my tummy." Lately, you have been into changing babies diapers, and I mean babies in a very loose term. I will find that you put a diaper on your doll and hop hop bunny. I will also find clean diapers with a clean wipe folded up in the trash but you tell me that the diaper is poopy. It is sweet how you will tuck these babies into your crib and then turning on the noise and turning off the light. You will shut the door and tell me "shhh baby is sleeping." 
  • You are a candy monster. Twice I have found you in Maggie's room eating her candy. You were being so quiet downstairs, I just thought you were looking through books. When I came down there to check on you, you walk out of Maggie's room with chocolate all over your face, with a big smile, and tell me "eat Maggie's candy!" No remorse. What a stinker.