Friday, December 20, 2019

Two.Nine Years

2.9 Years

  • Well, JoJo is staying. You have asked us several times if we get to keep her. Yes we do. Although you love everything about her, I have noticed some struggles with you. Since staying at home more, you seem to get sad and emotional a bit more. You were just start crying over the littlest thing. I will ask you what you want to do, and you will replied "nothing". I have been trying to spend more time with you, but I understand it can be hard. With the weather colder and me not wanting to host a ton of people due to JoJo, we have been swapping babysitting with Little Annie, your best friend. You absolutely love those days. You two are just so nice to each other, coming up with cute little games, and always really happy.
  • The big news of this month is that you are potty trained!!! I have been dragging my feet about this, but then I found a week with not much going on so we tried it. You have the been the best potty trainer yet. There have been a few accidents, but really by day two, I stopped asking you to go because you would just go on your own. You have stayed dried for every nap and will be close to night time soon. You love your underwear (though I had to order the next size up because the Minnie Mouse ones are a bit tight on you). We were able to go to Lewiston the next week, and it was a breeze, even after giving you your own cup of soda pop. 
  • "I have a privacy bum!" You love the idea that you can say that you have a privacy bum and that it gives you permission to do whatever you want in the bathroom by yourself with the door closed. Most of the time, you will just wash your hands for 10 minutes, other times there is water all over the place. I guess that is what I get for raising an independent girl.
  • This month has been a lot of fun with the holidays coming. We spent a week in Oregon for Thanksgiving. Instead of playing football, we went over to Woodburn High and had a massive dodgeball tournament with your cousins and their friends. Uncle Dusty had 5 different versions of the game that even you could play. We ate our big dinner at Grandma's and spent the rest of the night playing with cousins. On Friday, we went to Silver Creek Falls for a cold hike and ended at Annie's house for hot soup afterwards. Saturday, we all met up at the movie theater to watch Frozen two, which the kids enjoyed. Though on the drive home, all three of you were singing, "Into the **fart sound**". Dad and I were laughing so hard because that is what we thought of the movie. The dads were in charge of dinner that night while moms went out. Sunday, we blessed JoJo. Monday, you kids went on a date with Grandma and Papa to the lego store and then McDonalds afterwards. The weather warmed up that day, so we spent the rest of the time outside where you went down the zip line a hundred times, swing, and playing with the trucks in the sand box.