Thursday, August 20, 2020

Three.Five Years

 3.5 Years

  • The pool! You love it now! We went one time with the twins, who aren't amazing swimmers but they like the water, and all of a sudden, you love it. It started with you jumping off the edge that day, then we went on Evening with Dad and you went down the big slide. By the end of the week, you were jumping off the diving board when I wasn't even looking (definitely had to set rules about that one). As long as you have a puddle jumper on, you feel confident to be all over the place. This has been such a game changer for us.
  • We made a quick trip to Oregon to surprise Grandpa Price for his birthday. We all met at Uncle Dusty's. It was so fun to see all the cousins. You and Sonora were back in heaven being able to play with each other. Auntie Annie Brough a pinta and filled that sucker so full, everyone walked away with a giant cup full. Though, I think you had yours all ate by the next afternoon. We walked into the playroom at grandma's with wrappers all over the place. We spent a whole day at Hagg Lake, swimming, kayaking, and eating a bunch of junk food. You can Sonora played in the shallow end and were in the water almost the whole time. Sunday, we had church all together and we even got to zoom with Jospeh who gave us a lesson. You guys put on a play where you played a witch. Your costume was too big, so it kept slipping off, causing you to be half naked. It was a fast trip, but it was a lot of fun.
  • I don't know if I have mentioned this, but you have officially dropped your nap. Ever so often, I will lay down with you and we both will take a nap.It hasn't made you go to sleep any earlier, but often you will sleep in. One day, you slept in until 9:45 am. Your personality is such that you get really silly at night when you are tired. We haven't started a regular quiet time yet, mostly because we are at the pool, but the days that we do it, you really love playing Polly Pocket and Barbies.