6.7 Years

- Soccer has been a big part of this month. I have been coaching Sam's team and your games are at the same time as his so I haven't been able to go much. Both Maggie and Dad were able to go cheer for you, and I was able to catch the last two games. It was fun to see you get more into the game from last year. I liked how you were going after the ball and even trying to score. You were so excited to report back to me that you made a goal during one of the games. The best part is seeing you be a goofball with your friends on the side lines. You are so good about playing with anyone and making them feel special. Lane and Lucas are good wrestle buddies. I have to laugh because there is a boy at school who has been coming down to watch you play. I asked you about it and you said, "oh Scott has a crush on me but don't tell him but I like someone else." You were bashful in telling me that you liked Brian Brown.
- Dad went backpacking with Uncle Mark, so we made a quick trip out to Oregon and entertain us while we was gone. We helped out in the yard for a while and Grandma and Papa were nice to pay you guys in Lego coupons. It turned into a fun afternoon in Canby, with a lunch at the park, walking around the little stores, buying a lego set at the lego store, and ending with ice cream. That night, all of you guys had a sleep over at the Price's while the adults went to the temple. I guess I forgot your pjs, so you that it was silly to wear Jessie's. Saturday was filled with Ocktober fest. It was huge. All the families came. We bought some fun food, your favorite being the dumplings. We waited forever for the trampoline ride, but you loved jumping on it.
- It was homecoming week, which meant a lot of dress up days. The first day was pj day (one of your favorite), Tuesday was twin day (you and Rece coordinated outfits all on your own), Wednesday you wore green, and Thursday was blue and white day and also the jog-a-thon. We painted your face and was excited to run through the bubbles. You are Cecily were running buddies. I laughed how you girls planned out when to drink. It made it fun to run with a friend.
- You got another sleepover this month while Dad and I were at a BYU game. This time, you went to Cecily's house. They took you to the homecoming game. All of you kids were sleeping at different homes, but you all ended up at the game.
6.6 Years

- Dad and I went on a couple's overnight trip so each of you kids got a sleep over. You and JoJo went to Megan's house. You had a blast. She took you to the farmer's market where you got cotton candy. After we picked you up, Dad and I had to rush over to Lewiston for a church meeting so it was the first time that Maggie babysat you for that long of a time. You guys got to chill and watch two movies after having a big day at friends houses.
- This month we got to go to Utah to celebrate Mark and Kami's wedding. It was a whirlwind of a trip, but it was one of your highlights for the summer. We got there in the middle of the night Wednesday night so we could have all Thursday to spend with Grandma and Papa Matthews. We ran and out you back to school hair cuts, checked out DI with Grandma, played at the splash pad where it turned into a huge water war of your kids verses this other family of kids, and ended the night with going to see TNMT with cousins. On Friday, we got to do some back to school shopping on the way down to Provo and have lunch at Chic-fil-a. I know that is not much, but I liked having that morning as just a family. We made it to the temple just in time. All of you cousins waited in the room off to the side. The sealing was beautiful and we were able to take pictures afterwards. We ended the night with dinner up the canyon. We spent the night at Amelia's house. We crammed all five of you girls into their room. Grandma and Papa Price were in town for Education Week along with Uncle Josh's family. That morning Grandpa treated all you kids to $5 at the DI. I laugh at that, but that DI was huge. We joked that it was the Walmart of DIs. You choose this stuffed animal backpack and these white fluffy ear muffs. You wore those ear muffs none stop, even though it was August. You fell in love with so many items, that you convinced JoJo to pick out this life size Elsa doll with creepy hair. I can't believe we have to ride home with that doll. We grabbed a quick lunch at their house and then headed to the Provo Rec Center for a few hours. It was crazy trying to do all you girls hair in that family bathroom, but it all worked out in the end. The Wedding was beautiful. You loved having all your cousins there. Being a flower girl fulfilled our your wedding fantasies. You got the other flower girls to follow Kami around, holding up her train as she greeted different guest. You made both Kami and Mark feel like they were the best people in the world. It dumped while we were eating dinner, but thankfully, there were enough canopies to cover us and the moment dinner was over, the rain stopped. We dance and sang karaoke. You kids drank so much soda and stayed up way late. It was definitely a celebration.
- Oh boy, school started. You are going into first grade with Mrs. Moore as your teacher. You were thrilled that she was Sam's teacher, so you knew she was going to be good. Recess and music has been some of your favorites. Soccer also started this week. You have Sam Stone on your team.
- Grandma and Papa Price came for a few days. It was fun having them. You loved showing off the garden (of course while still wearing those ear muffs), and your latest jumps on the trampoline. They helped out with driving for soccer practice and enjoyed a hike and bike ride up at fish creek. The big thing was that we took them on a float trip with some of our friends.

- We got to float Kooskia to Kamiah. We borrowed inner tubes from a friend, and met up with friends that we hardly ever do stuff with. We tied all the inner tubes together, passed snacks all around, climbed from tube to tube, and got to go cliff jumping at the end. We all really enjoyed it. I asked you which you like better, rafting or inner tubes, and you liked them both because they are different. We did go rafting with a bunch of friends. We started late and took a long dinner break on the beach. We didn't end up getting home until 10. We were definitely party animals.
- Grangeville hosted their first kids triathlon. You were excited to try it. You first had to swim one length of the pool. Dad was able to be in the water with you. Most all the kids were wearing a life jacket, but you did the whole length on your own and you were really tiring hard to do free style with a side breathing. Afterwards, we helped you in the transition to bike. I ran along side you because you were still not great on just a two wheeler. This part was hard for you because it was up hill and I had to help you start again every 20 yards. Then, you finished with running. You crossed the finish line with a big smile on your face. This is definitely a repeat for you.
- We had a sweet afternoon as a family. I got out all the paint stuff and we all created something while listening to the audiobook "Restart". It was nice to just be with you kids and not feel like I have to get work done.
- We went to the thrift store and found this Disney princess cookbook. You were so excited to make something from it, so I decided that you were going to make a whole dinner by yourself. I had you season the drumsticks and stick them on the smoker. You then made a pasta salad from one of the Ariel's recipes. You finished the meal with green beans. I love seeing how proud of yourself you were. Everyone loved it also!
- We have been still working our way through the Ivy and Bean series. I love slower mornings with you, cuddle on my bed, reading together.