6.11 Years
*I know that Valentine's Day is not for another week, but I wanted to share your love letter
Dear Millie,
Happy Valentine’s Day! Whenever I tuck you into bed, there is something that I only tell you. Do you remember? I love telling you that I love you more than chocolate. Millie, I really do. You are the light and life that our family needed. I thought I was finished having kids after Sam. We had a girl and a boy so I thought we didn’t need more. I never knew how much I needed you until you came. I am so glad that you came to our family. From day one of bringing you home, you have brought so much joy. I want to share with you a few things that I love about you. I could go on for pages, but for just today, I will stick with three.
First, you have this incredible ability to make everyone feel like they are the most special person in the world. You are so good about including everyone, listening to them, laughing with them, and playing the games that they like to play. You never speak bad about others. You are always quick to help another person in need. Just the other day after Maggie ate lunch with you, she shared how many people came up to her and asked if she was Millie’s big sister. She was amazed at how many kids, even older ones, know you and are friends with you. It is not because you are doing what people want you to do. You are liked because you are a GOOD PERSON. You really are so good down to your bones.
Second, you are such a creative person. I love all the imaginative games that you come up with, the dances you put on in your room for me to watch, and the science experiments that you conduct in the kitchen. You are rarely bored because you have this magical world inside you that comes out in your play. JoJo is so drawn to it and you are so kind to include her most of the times. I hope you always hold onto that magic. You take after Grandma Price in this. She has held onto the magic, even as a grandma, and because of there, it is so fun to be with her. Keep your magic. Let it grow so big that it explodes from your body. The world needs more of it.
Lastly, I love your drive to be better. We haven’t had to sit down with you too much and help you set goals. You will decide that you want to work on something and you have the self drive to finish it without help from an adult. It is really impressive how you will read your scriptures on your own at such a young age. You have been blessed with a great mind and a hard work ethic. Keep those things. But even be embarrassed about getting good grade in school. You will have a lot of success in life with those skills.
I love you so much,