Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Three.Nine Months

 3.9 Months

  • This month has been full of dance, reading, and preschool. You absolutely love dance. It has been great girl time and something special for you, especially since you see your big siblings getting special activities. Your friend Cecily is in your class, so often, we swap houses afterwards to give you girls more time to play with each other afterwards. We couldn't hold the big performance on the school stage due to COVID, but you still were able to preform for all the parents in the studio. Oh my goodness, I think I died of cuteness overload. I put a bit of makeup on you. You were just beaming all day long. I loved it. 
  • We had our Thanksgiving preschool lesson here. I had you kids help make corn bread and then eat it for the snack afterwards. It was a big hit. I love watching you with your friends. You truly are so kind, fun, and happy girl. I love how you include everyone. You eager to do all the activities. You are very obedient and a learn listener, but with the right amount of giggles. 
  • One of your absolute family activity/game is playing family. I have to laugh because most of the time, you want me to be the mom. So how is this any different than real life? There is also I fine balance between adding my input to the game (can't do too much because you are the boss of the game), but I can't do nothing because then you complain that I am not playing. We usually end up cooking food with the play kitchen or doing a check up with the doctor kit. 
  • Since we sometimes have Maggie be in charge while I run a quick errand, you have taken in upon yourself to "be the babysitter" to JoJo when I am in the shower. Most the time it is cute, like you getting her a cheese stick or reading her books. Other times, I think you are basking in the opportunity that you are actually older than someone and I hear a lot of "no JoJo"
  • Reading is going. We have our good days and we can have some struggles. I chose to take the whole week of Thanksgiving off to give you a rest. You are having a hard time remembering the 'i' and 'n' sounds. You have a harder time grasping this than your siblings, but I remind myself that this is not a race and you are still way a head most kids here. 
  • Thanks giving was fun. We went over the the Kohrmans for dinner. They have older children who were so awesome to play and color with you. Your favorite part of the dinner was the olives, pickles, and chocolate pie. 

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