Friday, November 15, 2024

Seven.Six Years

 7.6 Years

  • We are trying to squeeze in as much friend time as we possible can. We went bowling, the river with all our friends, the pool, ice cream, and more play dates. You kids also have been trying to cross off your bucket list items like sleep on the trampoline and go to Gymnastic 360 one more time. The fair was at the end of the month and it was good to spend time there with Addy's family. Addy's family has pigs there so she was able to give you the inside scoop to the fair. Even though Addy is JoJo's friend, you often play with her because that gives you two girls that will follow you around.
  • We had to say goodbye to Cecily today. You two have become best friends this year with being in the same class at school. We made it a point to have her over a lot these last few weeks. We were able to help load up their truck and go to their good bye party at the park. It felt really more real that we were moving seeing them leave before us. That night you cried while I hugged you goodnight. I am so glad that you have friends that you love that much that it hurts that much to lose them. 
  • The Ware family came to visit us. It was their first time here. Their kids loved rafting and playing night good games. 
  • We had our goodbye party with all our friends at the Dalling house. It rained that night. We just spent all day packing and cleaning. We have really come to love these families like they are our own family. I told you that it was okay to cry. All of you kids slept in Maggie's room together. The next day, we got ready for church, went to church, and said goodbye for reals. You were in the Durrango with me and the other girls for the drive. I am having a hard time just typing about this. It was really hard to say goodbye.
  • We made it to Oregon! The house is still standing and the the yard isn't completely crazy. It was a whirl wind of a week. Janecce brought her kids to come help unload. Phillip helped set up all the beds while you and Sonora were going through all your boxes, finding toys that you havent seen all summer. It was really nice to have cousins here to greet us and make that first day exciting to see them instead of lonely. The second day was actually the hardest. We were so tried from moving and still had so much more to do. We worked as hard as we could that second day but after that, we decided to play for the rest of the week, knowing that unpacking can happen when the kids are in school. We went to Phillip's football game, went school shopping, hung out with Elaine a ton, and enjoyed a day at the beach with all the family. The beach was awesome. We roasted hot dogs and s'mores, played this four-square type game in the sand, and climb all of the rocks. 
  • School started. I was so nervous for you all. I was praying everyday that you could make friends. We got to the corner and had taken the photo in front of the sign. You, being Ms. Independent, wanted to run off into the playground by yourself. I assumed you would do well because you are great at making new friends. And sure enough, when you came home, you told me about the different girls in your class but that you can't remember their names because some of them look a like. By the end of the week, Piper became your good friend, someone you played with at reccess at each day. 

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