Thursday, April 6, 2017

One Month

1 Month

  • This month has gone by fast. I would say that I can't remember what life was like before you, but my body completely remembers a solid night sleep. However, you are worth waking up twice for. You have been such a sweet, mellow, "easy" baby. You sleep a ton during the day and a ton at night, so I can't complain. When you are awake, you are very calm and rarely cry.
  • You have been a great eater, which shows. You are getting quite chubby. Your double chin is coming in lovely. I just hope you don't outgrow your summer clothes before summer has even started. 
  • You tend to be a wake for two hours during the day and then crash for six hours. I will have to wake you up to eat and then you pass out again. At night, you fall asleep for the night around 8:30-9pm. I will feed you a bottle around 10:30. You wake up around 1-2am, then again around 4am and then you will be up for the day around 6:30-7am. Each time you wake up, it takes me about 25 minutes to feed you, change you, and get you back to bed. In the morning, your dad will bring you into bed, where I will feed you and we snuggle for a while before the crew wakes up.
  • The kids have taken to you so well. Maggie loves to pick out your outfit, sing you songs, and read you books. She also likes to tell me what you are saying, interpreting your babbling. Sam is in charge of throwing away dirty diapers and he keeps wanting to pick out your eye boogers even though I try to stop him. I was expecting Sam to act out when you were born, but he hasn't yet. He really loves you.

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