Monday, May 8, 2017

Two Months

Two Months

  • We just got back from your doctor's appointment. You are 23 inches long (71%) and 13lbs 12 oz  (92%). Let's just say that you are big. We also talked about how there has been some blood in your diaper so I am going to have to cut out milk from my diet. It wouldn't be so bad except for three things: I have a ton of pumped milk that I can't use until maybe you are 6-9 months old-maybe, most of the meals in the freezer that I prepped has cheese in it, and CHOCOLATE!!!! Once I realized that chocolate has milk in it, I almost cried. I am asking around to other milks to see how strict they had to be with it. Other than that, you are super healthy.
  • Speaking of my cute fatty, you might not fit into your blessing dress. The sleeves barely slip on and your neckroll goes over the dress. And we still have two weeks to go. You need to go on a diet or something. 
  • You started this month super stone face. It took so much energy to get you to smile. I was seriously concern there for a while. Now, I wouldn't call you a smiley baby but it is easier to get a little grin out of you. And those few times that you really pop a big one, your dimples come out and it is so cute. 
  • You have cooed a few times which is adorable,
  • You are starting to really like your bouncer. You kick a ton in it and try to grab the toys. I will also lay you on a blanket in the grass and you love reaching out and grabbing the long pieces of grass. 
  • You dropped down to one feeding at night!!!! I love it. I feel like I don't have to nap myself anymore. You go down for the night around 8-9pm, wake up around 4 to eat, then you wake up anytime between 6:30-7:30. If it is earlier, I can feed you and you will be down for another hour or two. But if it is closer to 7:30, than you are up for the morning. I survived!!!!
  • The kids really love you. Sam will ask me to see what you are wearing, then say, "Oh, she looks so cute." Maggie takes it upon herself to make you happy anytime you are crying while laying down. She is pretty good too. She will sing to you and play toys with you.

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