Thursday, December 29, 2016

30 Weeks

30 Weeks

Well is was Christmas this week. I took the kids sledding down the same hill that I went down at this same time in the pregnancy when I was pregnant with Sam. We didn't get you any gifts this year (sorry, next year when we can hold you) but Grandma and Papa Matthews got you a few gifts. You got a cute dress, the old fashion phone toy, and a board book about the days of the week.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

29 Weeks

29 Weeks

This week I want to do something a bit different. I want to make a list of the hopes I have for you as you grow. I did this with Sam's blog, and I really loved reading it the other day and seeing if what is part of him and what might develop later on.

  • I hope that you always feel loved and included in the family, that there will be no comparing or competition to the others. You may be who you are and know that we love every bit of it.
  • I hope that you will appreciate the finer things in life. I don't mean fancy parties and glittery jewelry, but that the beauty of the Earth may capture you, the simple acts of kindness will touch you, and moments of pure love will bring you to tears of happiness.
  • I hope that you will always know who you are, that you will not fall to world trying to define you. Be proud of all the silliness, spunkiness, creativity, beauty, and life that you possess. Others will say stuff, but have a hard shell and remember that only a few people's opinions matter.
  • I hope that you see the princess in you, but that you will not be afraid to jump in the mud to catch a frog prince.
  • I hope you always smile.
  • Lastly, I hope you always see the good in life. Know that people are good, life is great, and it is worth loving others. Times will get hard, people will be mean, and sometimes it is easier to turn away a friend than put in the work to love them. But stay positive, stay loving, and just focus on the good.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

28 Weeks

28 Weeks

We had to take Maggie to the clinic to get her wart frozen off. She is the worst about this stuff. Afterwards, she was crying her head off. She turned towards Dad and asked if she could see you and tell you how awful it was to get your wart frozen off. It is so cute to see both your siblings treating you as part of the family already.

27 Weeks

27 Weeks

You just gave me the worst night of my pregnancy. I had heart burn all night and tums wouldn't take that it away. The next day was Sunday and I was feeling miserable. Every time I would tried to lay down to nap, it would come right back. At church, I couldn't be comfortable in the pews, so I would use Sam as an excuse to walk around. I felt like there was no way that I was only to handle this for another 3 months. That night, your dad went to the store and got stronger stuff. The next day was so much better. Please do not repeat that night. I felt awful with how much I complained to your dad that night.

Monday, November 28, 2016

26 Weeks

26 Weeks

Went to the doctor's today. We found out that she is moving to California, so sadly we are going to have to change doctors. I also took the glucose test and thankfully I am done with it. You are making me huge. I weigh only one pound less than my total weight with Maggie and I am measuring one week large. You must be a fatty. We sneaked into Porter Clinic the other night to show the kids a "baby video" of you. You are looking really cute. I wished that they had a 3D ultrasound because you were looking right at us, but with the traditional ultrasound, it makes you look like an alien when we looked right at your face.

25 Weeks

25 Weeks

**I forgot to take a photo due to traveling and the Holidays

We spent this week in Oregon. Before I dropped off your dad at the airport, we stopped at the hospital and visited your new cousin Sonora. It was crazy to think that we are going to have our own newborn. I don't know what happened to me but I have forgotten a lot of pregnancy and newborns that I am having to ask Mike is something is normal and he has to remind me that the same thing happened with Sam's pregnancy. I came back from our trip and one of my friends said I officially look pregnant and not that questionable fat stage.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

24 Weeks

24 Weeks

We are in Oregon this week. Grandma and Grandpa Price think that your belly is looking good. Your cousin Hailey thinks that we should name you Mallory. . . probably not. We get that question a lot, what names are you thinking. The list is long and I want to add more to it, but at the same time, we need to narrow it down some more. Love you baby!!

23 Weeks

23 Weeks

I am planning your blessing dress and am getting really excited to start making it. Grandma Matthews is giving me some of the lace from your wedding dress to add to it and Grandma Price said she would embroider some white flowers on it. I want this dress to be meaningful to you and remind you of all the people that love you.

22 Weeks

22 Weeks

I went to the Eye Doctor this week and boy, you are stretched out as tall as you go. I tried leaning in to put my head on the eye reader, and I had to take breaks because I couldn't breath. You are already hanging out up high in the lungs and I feel a foot consistently to the right side of me. Just like your sister.

21 Weeks

21 Weeks

Well, it feels real for your dad now. He was just telling me, "wow we are really having another kid." Well, yes dear we are. I think he has been so busy with work and since I am not showing too much or complaining at all, it hasn't registered too much. But After he watch that ultrasound, it seems really real. One thing that we did was finally talk about names. Here is our list so far (or at least the ones that we both like): Tess/Tessa, Emma, Charlotte, Annabelle/Annie, Lacey, Paige. I hope you like one of them.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

20 Weeks

20 Weeks

I had the anatomy scan this week. It was so cute to see you. Part of me was nervous that you had sprouted a penis over the last two weeks, not that I don't want to be a boy (but oh am I excited that you were a girl), but what a sad boy you would have been because it was so obvious a girl. But you still a girl. And a healthy girl for that matter. I brought home the dvd of ultrasound. Maggie loved seeing you kick your legs, and your dad was like, "wow, we are really having a baby". He has been so busy that he forgets. This was a good connection for your dad.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Ultrasound Pictures

I want to share the ultrasound pictures that we have taken of you so far. Sorry these aren't scanned in. I have been putting it off and figured that I better just take a picture of them otherwise I might never post them, and I really want you to see how you grew.

Week 8: Very first picture that your dad took of you to make sure there was only one baby. Thank goodness. 

Week 9: First appointment with the doctor.

Week 13: After this appointment, we begin telling our friends.

Week 20: Anatomy scan and everything is healthy

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

19 Weeks

19 Weeks

Well, I had my first person asked if I was pregnant. It was Sister Massie in the ward, she knows me pretty well and is not on facebook so she didn't get the memo when I announced. She just came right up to be in the froyer and asked if that was a baby bump. I feel like I am not big enough for people to straight up ask me, but at the same time, it felt good for someone realized that I am not getting fat.

Friday, October 7, 2016

18 Weeks

18 Weeks

People keep asking me how I feel. I feel great. I have more energy (I don't have to take as many naps). All the hip pain at the beginning is gone. I can sort of feel you move (if I am really still and hold my breath). Your dad felt you move this week for the first time, and I was really excited for that. It is hard to believe sometimes that you are really there because this is the just wait and get bigger phrase. In our baby clip this week, the kids learned that you can start hearing these, so they sang you Twinkle Twinkle and the ABC song.

Friday, September 30, 2016


Here is the picture that I sent our friends and family that we are expecting you.

17 Weeks

17 Weeks

We found out that you are a GIRL!!!! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am. The moment the doctor put the probe on my belly, it showed right between your legs, as if to say, "Don't worry guys, I know you wanted to find out." Even if I didn't want to find out, it was so clear that I could tell. Your dad was able to make it, and he is pumped. Sam was there but didn't quite get it. Maggie was at preschool, so afterwards, Sam and I went to the store to pick out a brand new dress for you. We wrapped it up and let Maggie open it. She is beyond excited and has been singing the "Sister Time" song all week. I did mentioned that when you get older, you girls will probably share a room. Her face was classic, "no....". But we love you and are excited to meet you in the spring. Keep baking and getting bigger.

Love, Mom

Thursday, September 22, 2016

16 Weeks

16 Weeks

  • I think I felt you move at 15 weeks!!!
  • Your brother and sister are so excited for you to come. They may be fighting over whether you are a boy or girl. Maggie wants to name you either Annabelle or Sam 2 while Sam wants to name you Olaf. Don't worry, your dad and I will pick out your name
  • We announced to everyone that we were expecting you, and most people figured it out already. I guess buying a van right before is a huge giveaway.
  • I really want Maggie and Sam to be happy for your arrival so each week we get on to What to Expect website and watch the 2 minute video on your weekly development. At 15 weeks it talked about how you were starting to make your own pee, so we had a "p" party in your honor, eating peppers and pretzels for our snack.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Twelve Weeks

12 Weeks

So it's official, we are pregnant with you. I had it in my head that I was going to miscarry this time because the odds of that happening are good and I wanted to be emotional prepared if it happened. Because of that, I did not want to get attach to you. But as the weeks went by, it seemed like you liked us and wanted to stay. I am excited to have you here. This pregnancy has been a bit different in the fact that I was really hungry, all the time. Breakfast burritos sounded satisfying every single day. Between that and vacations, starting at 7 weeks I couldn't fit into some of my shorts. Even now at 12 weeks, I have to be selective on the clothes that I wear in public because some really show off this bump that I can't shake off. Last week we told the family and I have told a few friends. We have an appointment on this coming Tuesday, and they do an ultrasound every time. After that appointment, I will feel more comfortable telling more people.