Monday, August 19, 2019

Two.Five Years

2.5 Years
  • According to you: favorite-cereal, book-a baby book, show-PJ Mask, indoor activity-playing books, outdoor activity-play with your shovel, song-Doc McStuffin Song, color-pink, friend-my little friend (Canyon Potter), princess-Tiana
  • This month, we went to Ashton, Idaho with your Matthews cousins. You were so happy to play with Bonnie everyday. Each morning, the first thing you asked for was "Where's Bonnie?" Hazel brought a lot of her dolls and babies, which made you in heaven. There was a pond in the backyard with lots of kayaks that we got to go on. I was really enjoyable to have you ride in the front of the kayak and go around the island. You would lean over to one side and run your fingers in the running water. We visited Yellowstone and Bear World. You had a special morning with Grandma and Bonnie while the older kids floated down the river. There was a lot of treats for you sneak and endless chocolate milk. You really loved it there. 
  • We spent 10 days in Oregon with Price cousins. Sonora was a big hit for you. You two would run off to the sandbox or sneak upstairs to play barbies. Grandma got to read you bedtime books, and you kept coming out of Grandpa's office with hug handfuls of jellybeans. Grandpa made a zip line that the older cousins were able to help take you down. We went to the beach for a day where we went crabbing and played at the beach. I was impressed how brave you were with the water, keeping asking me to go further and further at in the waves. We went at low tide, so there were all these puddles left in the sand which you played in like a bath tub. 
  • The garden is growing each day. You will get your boots on and help me out there, mostly because you know that you get to eat the strawberries and raspberries that are ripe. After "helping" pull weeds, you and the older kids will play school in the hay. 
  • The other night at dinner, you were having a hard time eating your food (you are in more picky eater phase right now) so I asked you how old you were so you can take that many bites. You told me you were eleven, such a random number. So I did mystery animal game and sure enough you ate about 11 bites.