Monday, July 9, 2018

Sixteen Months

16 Months
  • We had swim lessons this month. I signed you up for ducky diaper class, but honestly you were more interested trying to get into other's bags than playing in the water. They have the small slide that I thought you would love, but you have never loved going down slides. The game that you did like was sitting on the edge throwing in all your animals in and then I would hold your hands while you walked around to collect them all.
  • Uncle Tommy invited our family to go boating. Your dad is really nervous having you on boats because you are all over the place. So we took turns playing on the beach with you. It was fun swimming in the water with you, digging in the sand, and eating way too much twizzlers. 
  • Well, this was the big month-moving. You are so young that seeing all our stuff get boxed up or sold wasn't too hard for you. I will miss our South Ogden House because it was our first home, where we played in the back yard, planted a garden, and most importantly, brought you home. 
  • Our new house is really big. The stairs god straight down, which scare you to go down. However, your bedroom is on the main floor and I have found you playing in there by yourself often. The backyard is so overgrown that we haven't really been able to enjoy it yet.
  • Fourth of July was this month. We had all the Matthews cousins come over. We rented a bounce house with water slide and pool. You were a bit young for that but once all the big kids left, you sneaked in the pool part and splashed around. We had burgers for dinner and stayed up late to watch the fireworks at the park. I was worried having you stay up so late, but you were loving it. When the fireworks went off, you snuggled up to my side, amazed at the colors.
  • Favorites: food-blueberries, green beans, black beans, pizza, edamame, and anything sweet; book-"What Do You Say?" the book Sam got from the doctor's office; you love your lovey Ramona and water from your sippy cup
  • Words-mama, dada, book, no, pup, dog, horse, uh oh spaghetti oh, water, all done, thank you, the piggy sound
  • Overall, you are such a spunky, independent, fun girl. You love your siblings and really look up to them. You love tackling Sam and sitting next to Maggie while she reads you a book.