Thursday, December 29, 2016

30 Weeks

30 Weeks

Well is was Christmas this week. I took the kids sledding down the same hill that I went down at this same time in the pregnancy when I was pregnant with Sam. We didn't get you any gifts this year (sorry, next year when we can hold you) but Grandma and Papa Matthews got you a few gifts. You got a cute dress, the old fashion phone toy, and a board book about the days of the week.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

29 Weeks

29 Weeks

This week I want to do something a bit different. I want to make a list of the hopes I have for you as you grow. I did this with Sam's blog, and I really loved reading it the other day and seeing if what is part of him and what might develop later on.

  • I hope that you always feel loved and included in the family, that there will be no comparing or competition to the others. You may be who you are and know that we love every bit of it.
  • I hope that you will appreciate the finer things in life. I don't mean fancy parties and glittery jewelry, but that the beauty of the Earth may capture you, the simple acts of kindness will touch you, and moments of pure love will bring you to tears of happiness.
  • I hope that you will always know who you are, that you will not fall to world trying to define you. Be proud of all the silliness, spunkiness, creativity, beauty, and life that you possess. Others will say stuff, but have a hard shell and remember that only a few people's opinions matter.
  • I hope that you see the princess in you, but that you will not be afraid to jump in the mud to catch a frog prince.
  • I hope you always smile.
  • Lastly, I hope you always see the good in life. Know that people are good, life is great, and it is worth loving others. Times will get hard, people will be mean, and sometimes it is easier to turn away a friend than put in the work to love them. But stay positive, stay loving, and just focus on the good.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

28 Weeks

28 Weeks

We had to take Maggie to the clinic to get her wart frozen off. She is the worst about this stuff. Afterwards, she was crying her head off. She turned towards Dad and asked if she could see you and tell you how awful it was to get your wart frozen off. It is so cute to see both your siblings treating you as part of the family already.

27 Weeks

27 Weeks

You just gave me the worst night of my pregnancy. I had heart burn all night and tums wouldn't take that it away. The next day was Sunday and I was feeling miserable. Every time I would tried to lay down to nap, it would come right back. At church, I couldn't be comfortable in the pews, so I would use Sam as an excuse to walk around. I felt like there was no way that I was only to handle this for another 3 months. That night, your dad went to the store and got stronger stuff. The next day was so much better. Please do not repeat that night. I felt awful with how much I complained to your dad that night.