Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Three.Ten Months

3.10 Years

  • This was a magical month with you. I love this age during Christmas time. Santa is so real, the lights are breath taking, and every treat is the best in the world (that one is still true for me). We didn't end up writing letters to Santa this year, but focused more on serving others. We did the straw in the manger. Whoever you got, you always drew them a picture with lots of hearts on it. Another thing we did was go through our books and give some to the lending library. We went to the nursing home and decorated the windows (though it was cold for you so you stayed in the van after a while and listened to toddler music). 
  • One of the best things we did was hunt down Santa on a first truck. Every night for the month of December, Santa drives through town on a lighted up fire truck playing Christmas music. Dad was on call, so we thought it would be a good night to drive around to see the lights and see Santa. We would drive a few blocks, stop, roll down the windows in the cold, and everyone had to be so silent to see if we could hear him. After about 15 minutes, you said you heard something. Sure enough, it was on the other side of town and we tracked him down. We pulled over and all ran out to the sidewalk. You were so excited to see the real Santa and that you were able to tell him "I hope you have a good night!"
  • We hosted the preschool Christmas party where you dressed up and reenacted the nativity story. You played the shepherd and Gus was your sheep. It was funny watching you try to herd him around. We had a big lunch with all the moms which gave you kids lots of extra playing time. They left us a manger scene kit to make like a gingerbread house. 
  • We tried to make Christmas Ever fancy and spiritual. We had calm chowder in bread bowls, We used the German candle spinner thing (which you loved) and busted out the nicer Christmas plates and cloth napkins. You love helping set the table all fancy with me. We read the scriptures, reenact the nativity with your siblings (you were the angel), and opened your pj pants. After you were in bed, we could hear Santa running across the backyard, so you girls quickly went to bed.
  • Christmas morning was wonderful. Santa Brough you a doll. You named her Ally. She came with a bunch of accessories, which will last probably about two days before getting lost. You love her and have carried her around the whole house. It is special because Maggie has a doll so now it is something that you girls can share together. Dad and I gave you a new heart sweater and unicorn skirt, a few picture books, and a pick sleeping bag. Maggie gave you those bracelets that turn into a unicorn toy and Sam gave you. . .I can't remember. I will have to ask you. You ate so much candy in the morning. It was fun.
  • We left right after lunch for a fast trip to Utah. We crammed a week worths of activities into four days. We stayed with Grandma and Papa Matthews. We were able to have special night with them while the big kids had a sleep over at cousins house. We visited Bonnie's house and went sledding with all your Matthews cousins. One of your favorite things was going down south to hang out with your Price cousin, where we went swimming. They had a fun splash area with slides. You weren't technically suppose to go in the hot tub, but we were able to soak our feet in it. 

Three.Nine Months

 3.9 Months

  • This month has been full of dance, reading, and preschool. You absolutely love dance. It has been great girl time and something special for you, especially since you see your big siblings getting special activities. Your friend Cecily is in your class, so often, we swap houses afterwards to give you girls more time to play with each other afterwards. We couldn't hold the big performance on the school stage due to COVID, but you still were able to preform for all the parents in the studio. Oh my goodness, I think I died of cuteness overload. I put a bit of makeup on you. You were just beaming all day long. I loved it. 
  • We had our Thanksgiving preschool lesson here. I had you kids help make corn bread and then eat it for the snack afterwards. It was a big hit. I love watching you with your friends. You truly are so kind, fun, and happy girl. I love how you include everyone. You eager to do all the activities. You are very obedient and a learn listener, but with the right amount of giggles. 
  • One of your absolute family activity/game is playing family. I have to laugh because most of the time, you want me to be the mom. So how is this any different than real life? There is also I fine balance between adding my input to the game (can't do too much because you are the boss of the game), but I can't do nothing because then you complain that I am not playing. We usually end up cooking food with the play kitchen or doing a check up with the doctor kit. 
  • Since we sometimes have Maggie be in charge while I run a quick errand, you have taken in upon yourself to "be the babysitter" to JoJo when I am in the shower. Most the time it is cute, like you getting her a cheese stick or reading her books. Other times, I think you are basking in the opportunity that you are actually older than someone and I hear a lot of "no JoJo"
  • Reading is going. We have our good days and we can have some struggles. I chose to take the whole week of Thanksgiving off to give you a rest. You are having a hard time remembering the 'i' and 'n' sounds. You have a harder time grasping this than your siblings, but I remind myself that this is not a race and you are still way a head most kids here. 
  • Thanks giving was fun. We went over the the Kohrmans for dinner. They have older children who were so awesome to play and color with you. Your favorite part of the dinner was the olives, pickles, and chocolate pie.