Friday, September 30, 2016


Here is the picture that I sent our friends and family that we are expecting you.

17 Weeks

17 Weeks

We found out that you are a GIRL!!!! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am. The moment the doctor put the probe on my belly, it showed right between your legs, as if to say, "Don't worry guys, I know you wanted to find out." Even if I didn't want to find out, it was so clear that I could tell. Your dad was able to make it, and he is pumped. Sam was there but didn't quite get it. Maggie was at preschool, so afterwards, Sam and I went to the store to pick out a brand new dress for you. We wrapped it up and let Maggie open it. She is beyond excited and has been singing the "Sister Time" song all week. I did mentioned that when you get older, you girls will probably share a room. Her face was classic, "no....". But we love you and are excited to meet you in the spring. Keep baking and getting bigger.

Love, Mom

Thursday, September 22, 2016

16 Weeks

16 Weeks

  • I think I felt you move at 15 weeks!!!
  • Your brother and sister are so excited for you to come. They may be fighting over whether you are a boy or girl. Maggie wants to name you either Annabelle or Sam 2 while Sam wants to name you Olaf. Don't worry, your dad and I will pick out your name
  • We announced to everyone that we were expecting you, and most people figured it out already. I guess buying a van right before is a huge giveaway.
  • I really want Maggie and Sam to be happy for your arrival so each week we get on to What to Expect website and watch the 2 minute video on your weekly development. At 15 weeks it talked about how you were starting to make your own pee, so we had a "p" party in your honor, eating peppers and pretzels for our snack.